Tammy Rogers & Celia White presented a very informative program on the Village Medical Project at our December 9 meeting.  As a result of a civil war, Sierra Leone is the poorest country in the world and lacks basic infrastructure and medical services.  It has the highest infant mortality rate and the highest under-five mortality rate in the world.


Wes Strickland, owner & franchise manager for Delicado's restaurant started the project in collaboration with Dr Aiah Gbakima, a friend he met at university in the early 1970s.  Wes has travelled to Sierra Leone at his own expense to organize and initiate the project with Dr Gbakima in 3 villages in northeast Sierra Leone.

Last year, Celia and the students at Wellington Secondary School raised more than $3,000 by means of an art auction.  During his trip to Sierra Leone earlier this year, Wes gave the money to help Dr Gbakima buy computers  for the University of Sierra Leone  and brought published copies of the book by Ethnobotanist M.S. Turray on traditional herbal medicines.  During this trip Wes & Dr Gbakima planned the Village Medical Project.

The first objective of the project is to reduce the rates of both infant and children under five years of age.  Water borne illnesses affect not only the health of children but the entire population.

Senior Medical and nursing students will visit the villages, survey location of latrines, garbage dumps, water supplies, etc. and discuss with the residents the necessary changes to reduce the risk of contamination.  Three highly qualified doctors in emergency medicine from Northwestern Memorial Hospital in Chicago are participating at their own expense.  A preliminary medical examination will be conducted, starting with existing emergencies, then pregnant women, infants, children & finally adults.

One hundred percent of all donations goes towards the purchase of medical supplies  Donations can be made out to: Village Medical Project for Sierra Leone and mailed to 358 Wesley Street, Nanaimo, BC V9R 2T6 or placed in donation cans at any Delicado's restaurant.  Phone 250 616-8594    email: delicado@island.net
